Artsurprise is a european art project linked to more than 300 contemporary artists working and living worldwide and partizipating in one of the biggest social art sculpture with more than 70 locations in Europe. Check your Box-ID and enjoy the stories behind artists and works.
References by Markus Pitzer
Royalty free music and background music for various projects.Current Album
If you are interested in album releases or music related questions by Markus Pitzer send a message to!
Projects in which I participated or my music was used.
The soundtrack to the independent-italo western film in an exciting atmosphere. For this film I composed the film music. Release: 10.06.2013 (Film), 12.03.2014 (DVD). The DVD to the movie you can buy at Amazon - click on the following link: ... und sie kehrten niemals wieder. The trailer for the movie: Facebook und YouTube.
5 Soundtracks, that I have composed for this game you can enjoy while playing. You can listen to the songs, that I have composed for this game on this YouTube Video! The game was sold over 2 million copies by January 2002, making it the best-selling game ever made in Austria/Germany.
Logo by Ubisoft - Wallpaperpimper
Meditation music for Mandy Lehmann. Her passion is to inspire people positively and with love for their life and health. Visit her YouTube channel!
Youtube channel by Markus Pitzer
On YouTube you will find a lot of videos with background music composed by Markus the Dreamweaver. Visit my YouTube channel!
Dieses Video bietet Meditationsmusik und Natur Bilder. Musik für Meditation, zur Entspannung, zum Einschlafen und zur Entschleunigung. Entspannungsmusik und Sonnenuntergänge von Natur, Ozeane, Sonne, Meer, Himmel, Wolken ...
Dieses Video bietet Ruhige Entspannungsmusik zum träumen, abschalten und einschlafen. Meditationsmusik Harmonie und innerer Frieden. Ruhige Musik zum Entspannen.
Chillout Lounge Mix aus 18 Instrumental Songs der Mehrfach-CD Box "Best of Dreamweaver 1997 - 2013". Diese Mehrfach CD-Box besteht aus 4 Audio-CDs mit den besten Instrumental Tracks von Dreamweaver.
Ruhige Instrumentalmusik zum Chillen und Relaxen. Instrumentalmusik von Chillout bis Ambient Musik.