Access Virus Virtuell-analoger Synthesizer
Musical instruments from my studio and my vintage synthesizer collectionCurrent Album
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Access Virus A
The Access Virus is a virtual analog synthesizer made by Access Music Electronics since 1997 and has become a much used instrument in the electro scene with a large fan base. His sounds can be heard on countless contemporary productions. The virus product line is divided into the series A, B, C and TI (Total Integration).
In my instrumental songs, I like to use the arpeggio sounds - they are just great.
All virus models work on the basis of a digital sound processor and emulate classical, analogue oscillators whose basic waveform can be infinitely changed by morphing from a pure sinewave to a sawtooth to a square wave. The filter section offers many programming options thanks to two independent resonance filters that can be combined and modulated in various ways. Virus A contains a DSP56303PV66 from Freescale, formerly known as Motorola.